Bộ cảm biến Laser Retro khuếch tán MD504-DL Moduloc
Moduloc , Cảm biến Moduloc, máy dò kim loại nóng moduloc, cảm biến tia laser moduloc, thiết bị dò bằng laser moduloc
General Description
The MD504-DL Diffuse Retro Laser is engineered for mounting either above or below the line in high ambient. This powerful laser penetrates the heaviest steam, yet it is a totally eye safe Class 1 Laser. This dependable Laser is designed to operate in the most harsh conditions where high temperature, vibration and high dust contaminationlikely to prevail.
The Sensor comprises two water cooled Stainless tubular Transmitter and Receiver units aligned according to the required mounting distance to a focal point centred between 1 mtr or 5 mtrs that accommodates the product surface varying within 0.5 mtrs about the intended pass line. The Sensor unit is mounted within a protective stainless enclo-sure incorporating insulation panels for more effective cooling as well as air wipe across the front glass.
The MD504-DL Laser incorporates three internally supplied 24 VDC outputs. One N. Open and one N. Closed output for function and a third output indicating function and lens contamination. Green “Power” and Red “Alarm” LED’s provide a visual indication of operation and alarm state. The Sensor includes a secondary alarm output, adjustable to a pre-determined level for indicating lens contamination as well as remote self test contact closure input.
The opto-electronics are encapsulated within two robust IP65 rated stainless steel housing. These Lasers are specifically built for mounting in hot environments. The opto-electronics are totally encased in water cooling jackets which in turn are enclosed within a insulated stainless cover for maximum coolant effectiveness.
Provided complete with dual A Frame mounting for securing to an I Beam and swivel adjustment in the X and Y axis.