The PD 210 is a local display unit that connects directly to a PD 340 Flow Transmitter. With this device it is possible to display the flow rate, volume counters, temperature, setpoint etc. Furthermore, the PD 210 display may also be used to change setpoint values, pre-set counters and to perform the entire configuration of the Flow Transmitter.
Instantaneous value, flow: The unit displays the actual flow rate, e.g. in m3/h.
Accumulative Counter: The unit displays the total volume, e.g. in m3.
Pre-set Counter: Before commencing a measurement, a SET-point is firstly entered, and the pre-set counter is reset manually. When the required volume has been reached, OUTPUT2 provides a stop signal.
Instantaneous value, temperature: The display unit shows the actual temperature in °C.
Configuration and calibration: The PD 210 display unit may be used to carry out the full configuration of a Flow Transmitter.
Fault finding: The flow transmitter is equipped with a comprehensive test system that is able to reveal faults arising from improper use of the transmitter, or from a malfunction of the transmitter during use.
The Display Unit PD 210 is connected to the Flow Transmitter using a 2-wire cable. The cable enables data to be exchanged between the Flow Transmitter and the display unit, and it also provides power for the module. The cable length may be up to 100 m.
The Display Unit PD 210 can be mounted directly on the Terminal Box of the PD 340 and still be operated conveniently. This mounting style can be ordered as an option when ordering the PD 340 and the PD 210. The PD 340 Flow Transmitter will then be delivered as one complete device, as shown.
The PD 210 is intended for fixed installations e.g. on a panel.
Operational Ambient Temperature: -20°C to + 50°C.
The unit is built into a case of NORYL PPO and sealed to IP 65.