-THIẾT BỊ ĐO ĐO ĐỤC DÙNG TRONG NGÀNH XỬ LÝ NƯỚC Sigrist Vietnam, đại lý Sigrist tại Việt Nam, Nhà phân phối Sigrist tại Việt Nam
Xuất sứ: Thụy Sỹ
Nhà cung cấp: Pitesco
Hãng sản xuất: Sigrist photometer
In-line turbidity measurement for the water treatment
The AquaScat measures the turbidity of potable water according to IEC 27027, with the measurement carried out directly in the water. This reduces maintenance work to a minimum. The calibration is done with a checking unit that is installed when needed. Various customer wishes can be catered for with the different options for data visualization and connection to a PLC/SCADA. Thanks to the different process integration options, a solution can be found for virtually any requirement.
- Measurement directly in the water
- Recalibration with secondary standard – Precise re-calibration is possible
- Lowest stray light level, also in heavily reflecting stainless steel tubing
Measuring principle
90° Scattered light according to ISO 7027/EN27027
Nominal range
0 .. 4’000 FNU
Scale ranges
8, freely programmable
0.001 FNU
Stainless steel 1.4571, PPSU, sapphire
IP68 (Electrical connector IP67)
Sample flow rate
max. 3.0 m/s
Sample temperature
0 .. +60 °C
Sample pressure
max. 10 bar @ 20 °C
Ambient temperature
0 .. +60 °C
0 .. 100 % rel.
Supply voltage
24 VDC +/−10 %, galv. Isolated from housing of sensor
Power input
max. 2 W
Ø 40 × 200 mm
8-wire cable:
- 1 × 0/4 .. 20 mA Output
- 2 × digital outputs
Option Connection box Conn-R:
- 1 × 0/4 .. 20 mA Output
- 2 × Relays Outputs 230 VAC, 4A
- Connector for SICON-C
- Max. 8 × 0/4 .. 20 mA Outputs
- Max. 7 × digital Outputs
- Max. 5 digital Inputs
- Modbus TCP
- Modbus RTU
- Profibus DP
- Conn-A for max. 8 Sensors
- Powerbox for max. 12 Relays
Option WLAN:
- IEEE 802.11b/g/n access with web server
Light source
LED 860 nm
Sample connector
- PE tubing welded
- Stainless steel tubing with flanges welded
- Kit to install directly in basins
- Device to retract the sensor under pressure
Control Units