Cảm biến Laser phản xạ ngược LT200M Moduloc
Moduloc , Cảm biến Moduloc, máy dò kim loại nóng moduloc, cảm biến tia laser moduloc, thiết bị dò bằng laser moduloc
General Description
The LT200M is a robust Sensor in a aluminum housing incorporating a built-in air coolant chamber venting as air
purge. Optional water cooling is available.
The LT200M Retro-Reflect Laser operates over a substantial range and is especially suited for precise detection of
product regardless of its size. As it operates via a modulated laser beam with IR filtering enables precise detection of
both cold and hot product.
Alignment is easily accomplished via the visible red Class II laser beam. A continuous self-check facility is incorporated with LED indication of reflector contamination or poor signal return. Both an 8A/250VAC SPNO/SPNC Form C output relay, and NPN & PNP 500mA transistor outputs are provided.
Both plastic and glass reflectors are available with temperature ratings up to 240°C. The standard reflector units are
air cooled and purged. Water cooled reflectors with air purging are also available.
The LT200M provides highly accurate detection over the whole range as a result of linear laser beam.